by Bowman Electrical Services | Electrical Safety, Electrician Tips
Winter Safety Tips come in handy as the San Antonio winter is official in full force. Statistics show that sales of electrical products increase during the month of December. This increase in electrical product purchases, combined with the advent of colder weather,...
by Bowman Electrical Services | Electrical Safety
Childproofing Your Home One of the biggest joys of parenting is being there for all of the “firsts.” The first word, the first day of school, the first date. Certainly one of these exciting firsts comes when children first learn to crawl and become mobile. As with...
by Bowman Electrical Services | Electrician Tips
We were honored to provide the complete electrical work for this Shop built by a nearby family of 5. We ran a trench from the main panel, installed new panel inside, installed florescent lights with plugs for garage door openers, switches throughout, and outdoor dusk...
by Bowman Electrical Services | Electrical Safety, Electrician Tips
The electrical service panel is a small box that is usually attached to a wall in your home or business. Because it’s usually tucked away it may not be thought of until there is a power outage in a room or appliance. The panel contains various circuit breakers...
by Bowman Electrical Services | Electrical Safety, Electrician Tips
Have you noticed that an outlet has been feeling warm after unplugging your electronics? Does it remain warm even when there is nothing plugged into it? An electrical outlet that is warm or hot to the touch is a problem that needs to be addressed immediately. We’ve...